Advertising your online business on is an excellent way to get your advertisement in front of qualified and eager buyers. With you can choose your budget, and target your market down to the smallest detail including, job function, industry, demographics and more.
You get to set your price limit and like other Pay Per Click on you pay, when someone clicks. Right now the minimum cost per click is $2.00, with a $5.00 activation fee that will be applied to clicks. They give you a suggested bidding amount depending upon your keywords and niche so you will always be able to make sure you’re bidding competitively.
To purchase an advertisement you must first have an account of your own, then go to or click “Advertising” from the bottom of the page.
- Click Start Now — If you’ve not signed in you’ll be requested to do so at this time.
- Ad Campaign Name — Name your ad campaign something you will recognize, so you’ll be able to view your analytics at a glance.
- Ad Variation — Choose whether you want to link to your web page, or another page on
Each variation allows you to add a different headine and image. You can add variations by clicking the “Add a Variation” button below the variations.
There will also be a preview of your variation in a box to the left.
Once you’ve finished with your variations, click Next Step.
- Targeting — Now choose how you want to target your advertisement. You can choose one or all of the following: Geography, Company, Job Title, Group, Gender and Age. In addition you can click the box that allows your advertisement be seen on the LinkedIn Audience Network which are partner sites. Once you choose your demographics click Next Step.
Linkedin will also give you an estimate of the number of Linkedin Members that will be your target audience, Along with some tips.
- Payment Method — You can choose from Pay per click (CPC), or pay per 1,000 impressions. With Pay Per Click on only pay if someone clicks on your advertisement. If you pay per 1,000 impressions (CPM) you pay per how many times the advertisement is shown across the network. No matter which one you choose, you then choose a bid.
- CPC — If you choose CPC you’ll need to make a bid on what you will pay each time someone clicks through from your link. The minimum bid is $2.00.
- CPM — By choosing CPM you’ll need to make a bid, the maximum amount you will pay for 1000 impressions. The minimum bid is $2.00.
- Daily Budget – Here type in how much you’re willing to spend per day. The minimum is $10.00.
- Show My Campaign — You have a choice to pick that your ad will show continuously, and you can turn it off whenever you want to, or you can set it to expire at a certain date. Once you choose one of these, click Next Step.
- Billing Information — Fill out the billing information required. They take MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover. Fill the information out completely, then check the box to agree to LinkedIn Ad Agreement. When you’re done click Buy Now. You will immediately be billed $5.00 and then you’ll be billed periodically during the campaign.
The approval process is next. If you’ve ensured that you followed the advertising guidelines provided by LinkedIn this process will not take long, usually within 24 hours. It is very important to read the guidelines and follow the rules so that you will not experience any delays.
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